Saturday, November 28, 2015


What is work?
    Creating, contributing, connecting, complementing, cooperation....
I never thought of work in these words. but that is exactly what work is.
How do we implement work into our families. Well we do exactly what those words say. we create, contribute, connect, complement and cooperate. When it comes to a family as well, you work so you can provide. When we have not only ourselves but others that we need to provide for we need to master a thing called budgeting.
Budgeting allows us to do so many things. We may not be able to get everything we want in this world but budgeting allows us to have opportunities to make decisions together. it also makes us ask ourselves- What are our priorities? Budgeting is not just about money but time as well. To be in a healthy relationship, or family, we need to learn how to budget our time so that we are most efficient and effective.

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