Saturday, November 21, 2015

Kaerlighed, Kommunikasionsmedier, Ska'vi Hygge os?

Were you able to understand the title of this post? I'll give you a hint.... Its danish! Actually i'll give you the meanings.
Kaerlighed= love, affection
Kommunikasionsmedier= Communication media
Ska'vi Hygge os= no english translation

Going back to Kommunikasionsmedier (communication media) there are so many different ways that we communicate to others. How do you communicate? do you communicate face to face, text, phone call, internet? There are so many different ways we can communicate but there are 3 forms of communication. 1. Words. 2. Tone. 3. Non-Verbal. In what way are you most comfortable communicating? Some communication is based on gender orientation. Communicating is simple! So why do we make it hard? We as humans dont understand the importance of communication. because we dont understand the importance of communication we dont know how to effectively communicate in the first place. I know i dont.

Something that i love about communication is that you can never not communicate-you can only miscommunicate

so many people say that there marriage was ruined because they didn't communicate. However that is not true. You are ALWAYS communicating- Non verbal- is what we forget. Even when we dont say something we are still communicating a vibe to someone. Communication is key to a successful marriage, understanding is the bigger key. As we strive to understand even more what the others mean and how we can help our family communication will become easier.

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