Saturday, November 28, 2015


What is work?
    Creating, contributing, connecting, complementing, cooperation....
I never thought of work in these words. but that is exactly what work is.
How do we implement work into our families. Well we do exactly what those words say. we create, contribute, connect, complement and cooperate. When it comes to a family as well, you work so you can provide. When we have not only ourselves but others that we need to provide for we need to master a thing called budgeting.
Budgeting allows us to do so many things. We may not be able to get everything we want in this world but budgeting allows us to have opportunities to make decisions together. it also makes us ask ourselves- What are our priorities? Budgeting is not just about money but time as well. To be in a healthy relationship, or family, we need to learn how to budget our time so that we are most efficient and effective.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Kaerlighed, Kommunikasionsmedier, Ska'vi Hygge os?

Were you able to understand the title of this post? I'll give you a hint.... Its danish! Actually i'll give you the meanings.
Kaerlighed= love, affection
Kommunikasionsmedier= Communication media
Ska'vi Hygge os= no english translation

Going back to Kommunikasionsmedier (communication media) there are so many different ways that we communicate to others. How do you communicate? do you communicate face to face, text, phone call, internet? There are so many different ways we can communicate but there are 3 forms of communication. 1. Words. 2. Tone. 3. Non-Verbal. In what way are you most comfortable communicating? Some communication is based on gender orientation. Communicating is simple! So why do we make it hard? We as humans dont understand the importance of communication. because we dont understand the importance of communication we dont know how to effectively communicate in the first place. I know i dont.

Something that i love about communication is that you can never not communicate-you can only miscommunicate

so many people say that there marriage was ruined because they didn't communicate. However that is not true. You are ALWAYS communicating- Non verbal- is what we forget. Even when we dont say something we are still communicating a vibe to someone. Communication is key to a successful marriage, understanding is the bigger key. As we strive to understand even more what the others mean and how we can help our family communication will become easier.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


have you ever wondered what a family crisis really is? where did it come from? what caused it?

It doesn't matter what stage of life you are at, recently married, childbearing years, empty-nesters, and retirement, financial problems seem to always be a main source of the stressor event.

Why do bad things happen to good people? I believe that there is opposition in all things. the world isn't a fair place. we are tempted beyond belief; i believe though that most things come as a result of our choices. I do not believe that all medical issues come because of our choices. Some things- it is just a part of our plan that we have to endure. Free Agency is a binding agent. It allows us to choose who we become, what happens in our life. Challenges (crisis) also allow us to learn and grow.

Have you ever asked yourself:
      Am I grateful for the crisis' that come into my life?
      Do I look forward to the trials that are coming my way?

When i think of crisis' and trials i like to think of Jesus Christ. He suffered the ultimate pain, betrayal, agony and so much more than anyone who has, does, and will yet walk this earth, and yet he did it for you and me. for all of us. He allows us to become better through his example. He endured with love, patience and hope. We must do the same when we endure a crisis.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

What is intimacy?

In our world today people relate the word intimacy to sex, sex, sex. But that's not what intimacy is all about. Intimacy means to be "into" the person. If you go out and just have one night stands, have sex with multiple people you aren't experiencing true intimacy. True intimacy is love, it is serving the person you are with.
In most peoples minds especially if you are not married talking about sex is uncomfortable. I agree. I would rather talk about it with my spouse and my spouse only. However there is something that we need to know about intimacy. Its not just all about the sex. Like I mentioned before its serving one another. Its showing the undenying love you have for your spouse.
There are four stages in the sexual response cycle. And during this cycle the male and the female experience it differently. I believe this is why we were created as male and female. The first stage is excitement- holding hands, kissing, cuddling can all trigger this excitement. The second is plateau- where arousal starts to form and prepares you for the third stage of orgasm- the orgasm is the highest point of the sexual response cycle. after the orgasm comes the resolution-in my mind i call it the call down the finish. One thing that is different between males and females is that it is so hard for women to recognize the sense of arousal, and it is possible for the women to not even experience an orgasm. the male may be completely finished and at the resolution stage and the woman could still be at the plateau. Because of this difference between male and females this can create a lot of insecurity in the sexual intimacy life of a couple. Women need to feel secure before anything, that the male is there with them through it all.
Allow the time with your spouse during your sexual intimate life to be an opportunity of love and service.