Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Have you ever wondered why you act certain ways?

So have you ever wondered why you react in certain ways in response to something someone says, does, or just when you have your own experiences?
I never thought of why I act the way I do in a lot of situations but as I sat and read about theories, and then came to class I finally understood.

For example: So when I am with my friends hanging out and then there is silence I start to FREAK out, always thinking that the reason why they are silent is because I made them angry or something was up. But that's just stupid! That is just a theory, the theory represented in this example would be a symbolic interaction theory- where you are influenced and shaped by your interaction, or experience. it also represents misinterpretation.
There are three other theories- System theories, there will always be boundaries rules, roles, etc. Have you ever gone into a new place looked at someone after they have said something and then judged them by that and put a "label" or "role" on them? I know that I have. We all do at some point in our life.

But I just cant tell you guys how interesting it is to learn about the family and the different things we do naturally, I never knew why I acted the way i do sometimes but i know that im not the only one.
I hope i can get better at these blog posts, please bear with me as i'm still learning how to blog:)

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Family Trends

       As I've sat in class this week, and prepared for class I really have learned so much. I want to share my insights from this week. I want to write about multiple things!

To start off, as I sat in class and listened to what Family Science really is. Family Science is a multidisciplinary field which has an impact on many disciplines. I continued to think about a quote that Albert Einstein, "The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking." This quote really got me to thinking as I'm not a huge science person. I don't really like to do research but for some reason this class interests me so much. And its so funny and interesting how this quote by Einstein is so true, ever since the beginning of taking this class I have seen how this is so true. The research that I have done already is affecting me in a lot of my classes.
But what I wanted to write about is the Trends and Myths of the Family.
The myths were quite interesting to read as I agree a lot of these to be myths.
1. A good sex life is the best predictor of marital satisfaction. I thought that this myth was very interesting. Its kind of hard for me to believe that people actually believe this. I may not be married but I have always known that communication is key to marital satisfaction. Its not all about physical affection or attraction. Later on in life that physical attraction can be lost. I know that because ive seen that in those I care about. If you loose communication between those you love, it is so hard to get back. I also thought it was interesting how there is a myth that says happily married people dont have conflict. That is so not true. No one is perfect, no one wont have problems. We all have our ups and downs, we all are imperfect which means we all will have conflict.
Some trends as well that are interesting is that divorce rates are going down. We hear so much how divorce rates are going up and so many people are getting a divorce but they are really going down. there are so many trends that go together. But I am so interested in this research. I encourage all to look at it.
Im excited to share my insights about this course with you!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Why am I writing?

What a wonderful opportunity I have to start another blog. I am writing this blog to share my insights on how the Family creates happiness as well as share my insights from my Family Relations course that I am currently taking at Brigham Young University-Idaho. I am excited to learn about the functions of a family and how we (myself in particular) can strengthen my family and help my family to come closer together. Life is short, its precious and most of all your family should be built on a foundation that you can't fall off of. Family in the end is all we have. So how can we learn and grow through family relations? All I can say is I'm about to find out:)