Saturday, December 12, 2015

divorce and blended families...

As we studied about the stages of divorce it made me think of my family situation. My parents aren't divorced but they are separated. But I know a lot of those who have been divorced. There are six stages of divorce: 1. emotional divorce 2. legal divorce 3. economic divorce 4. co-parental divorce 5. community divorce 6. psychic divorce
Through much research it is said that the children of divorced parents are more likely to divorce later themselves. This is a scary think to know. As I have been going on dates and meeting different guys so that I can find the one I am to marry this is what I am scared most of. Take things slow- don't rush. But divorce is the one thing I don't want in my life. Due to my parents separation it scares me. Women are less likely to remarry after a divorce.
When one does remarry after divorce they end up becoming a blended family. Blended families have benefits and have disadvantages. It all depends on how things go in that family. I am not apart of a blended family. neither of my parents have a desire to date other people at all. Roles change in a blended family. One thing that I believe is very important in any family, whether blended or non blended is communication. If the couple of a blended family don't communicate with how things work around the kids, their own life then it will not be good. The Lord is interested in making better people not just someone who fits well. Seek and pray for someone who will make you better; not just for a short time but for life.
I believe that even if you don't believe in God you can still use this when you seek for the person you are to be with for the rest of your life.

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Have you ever wondered what type of parent you are to your children? There are three styles of parenting. I will describe each
1. Authoritarian Parenting: the approach is to exercise maximum control and to expect unquestioning obedience. The parent child interaction is not the give-and-take of a developing relationship but the giving of orders by a superior to a subordinate. In case of infraction of the rules,discipline is likely to be both severe and physical.
2. Authoritative parenting: the approach is to put boundaries on acceptable behavior within a warm, accepting context. the parent child interaction is generally characterized by affection, a certain amount of give-and-take, but relatively clear expectations for the children's behavior.
3. Permissive Parenting: the approach is to minimize any control. Parent child interaction may consist of parental acceptance and approval of whatever the children decide to do.

which type of style do you parent your children in. Are you Authoritarian, Authoritative, or Permissive?

Something that i know is which ever style you parent, you can improve your style to best help your children.. According to studies the Authoritative parenting style is the best style as it is an active style. It is a style that helps children to see that you are the parent but you care about them. Parents show more affection in this style of parenting. You aren't overbearing and make all the decisions, you allow your children to make decisions with your input as well.
Parenting is a scary thing. To raise a child, to teach them, and to even love them is scary. But as i learned if we find our self leaning towards a certain parenting style we can change whatever we are doing to make our style better benefit our children.
The way we parent is a huge deal. It effects our child's whole life. It will effect they way they respond to those in leadership, as well as the way they will raise their own children.
Strive to parent your children in the way you would want to be parented. that doesn't necessarily mean the way your parents parented you but treat others the way you want to be treated.