Saturday, September 30, 2017

Carl Rogers

This post is going to be based off of Carl Rogers. My Professor drew this picture on the board in class on Thursday, 9/28, and It really stuck out to me. So you can see what each of the parts of the picture stand for; sun-acceptance, nutrients- empathy, tree-personal growth, rain- congruence. 
If we imagine that the tree is our client, we (the coach) help provide everything else. I like this because it helps me to see what my purpose is as a coach. I am not supposed to be responsible for the growth and I am not supposed to give them the answers on how to find the solution that my client is searching for. I am there to be real with them, to listen to them, to accept them for who they are, no judgement, and I am to provide empathy. As I provide empathy the acceptance will shine onto the tree and when the congruence comes it will nourish the empathy so that my client can grow into the tree they want to be.